用作形容词 (adj.)
~+名词- downward movement〔slope〕下行〔坡〕
- downward trend下降的趋势
- the downward path下坡路
downward trend向下趋势,下跌趋势
downward spiral向下旋转;螺旋式下跌;减记恶性循环
downward movement向下运动
downward welding平焊,俯焊
- She laid the picture face downward on the table.
她把那幅画正面朝下放在桌上。 - The bird glided downward and rested in the grass.
这只鸟向下滑翔,降落在草丛里。 - The custom has continued from the 16th century downward.
- He is on the downward path.
他正在走下坡路。 - Share prices continued their downward trend.
The fast downward planning system
Downward Comparison Principles in Social Psychology
One-hour downward alkaline capillary transfer for blotting of DNA and RNA.
Downward movement of nutrients in profile of red soil under long-term fertilization
On the `Downward Control' of Extratropical Diabatic Circulations by Eddy-Induced Mean Zonal Forces.
Mixed convection in a downward flow in a vertical duct with strong transverse magnetic field
Social comparison activity under threat: Downward evaluation and upward contacts.
The Labor Demand Curve is Downward Sloping: Reexamining the Impact of Immigration on the Labor Market
FAST observations in the downward auroral current region: Energetic upgoing electron beams, parallel potential drops, and ion heating
The relationship between earlywood vessel diameter and downward movement of ceratocystis ulmi conidia in elms varying in resistance ...