DownwellingDownwellingdownwellingSeismic Imaging of the Downwelling Indian Lithosphere beneath Central TibetUpwelling, downwelling, and cross-shelf transport of bivalve larvae: test of a hypothesisThe Inner Shelf Response to Wind-Driven Upwelling and Downwelling *A model for the diffuse attenuation coefficient of downwelling irradianceDiffuse attenuation coefficient of downwelling irradiance: An evaluation of remote sensing methodsDiffuse Attenuation Coefficient of Downwelling Irradiance: An Evaluation of Remote Sensing MethodsEcology of neonate loggerhead turtles inhabiting lines of downwelling near a Gulf Stream frontIdentification of clear skies from broadband pyranometer measurements and calculation of downwelling shortwave cloud effectsThe making and breaking of supercontinents: Some speculations based on superplumes, super downwelling and the role of tectosphereAn Improved Parameterization for Estimating Effective Atmospheric Emissivity for Use in Calculating Daytime Downwelling Longwave Rad...