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DOXOLOGIES — A SCIENTIFIC MYTHChapter 7: The DoxologiesUnedited doxologies for saint shenouteTwo doxologies from the Psalmodia of SammanûdThe Doxologies of the Book of Revelation as a Model of Worship Prayer2 Cor 3:17a Unlocks Paul's Dyadic DoxologiesDoxologies of shifts and heterosexuality of media: Friedrich Kittler and the falsehood of the technical worldHymnic affirmation of divine justice : the doxologies of Amos and related texts in the Old TestamentHymnic affirmation of Yahweh's sovereignty [microform] : a study of the doxologies of Amos /"First", "Only", "One of a Few", and "No One Else"The Rhetoric of Uniqueness and the Doxologies in 1 Timothy