Onset of ataxia and Purkinje cell loss in PrP null mice inversely correlated with Dpl level in brainOnset of ataxia and Purkinje cell loss in PrP null mice inversely correlated with Dpl level in brain.dpl-1 DP and efl-1 E2F Act with lin-35 Rb to Antagonize Ras Signaling in C. elegans Vulval DevelopmentPhysiological expression of the gene for PrP-like protein, PrPLP/Dpl, by brain endothelial cells and its ectopic expression in neuro...1193 RESTORATION OF LUNG PRESSURE-VOLUME (PV) CHARACTERISTICS WITH VARIOUS RATIOS OF DIPALMITOYL LECITHIN (DPL) AND PHOSPHATIDYL GLY...The Principles of Pollination Ecology.The Principles of Pollination Ecology.A comparison of sustained-release bupropion and placebo for smoking cessation.Plant Ecology. (Book Reviews: Principles of Dispersal in Higher Plants)Plants and Pollinators. (Book Reviews: The Principles of Pollination Ecology)