DracontiumDracontiumDracontiumRevision of Dracontium (Araceae)Oxylipins from Dracontium loretenseSeed germination patterns in green dragon (Arisaema dracontium, Araceae).Lectotypification and Epitypification of Dracontium gigas (Seemann) Engler (Araceae)SIZE〥EPENDENT GENDER CHANGE IN GREEN DRAGON (ARISAEMA DRACONTIUM; ARACEAE)Control of the Sexual State in Arisaema triphyllum and Arisaema dracontiumResource allocation and gender in the green dragon Arisaema dracontium (Araceae).eFeCto neUtRALiZAdoR deL eXtRACto ACUoSo de Dracontium loretense (JERGÓN SACHA) SoBRe LA ACtiVidAd LetAL deL Veneno de Bothrops atroxanti-Diols from α-oxyaldehydes: synthesis and stereochemical assignment of oxylipins from Dracontium loretenseA naturally-occurring population of putative Arisaema triphyllum subsp. stewardsonii X A. dracontium hybrids in Massachusetts.