- The widowed mother reared up the two children.
这位寡母把两个孩子拉扯大了。 - It was hard for a single man to bring up children alone.
Functional characterization of a SUMO deconjugating protease of Plasmodium falciparum using newly identified small molecule inhibito...
Vortex drag and the spin-up time scale for pulsar glitches
Lightweight Roll-Up Drag Litter
Upstroke Thrust, Drag Effects, and Stroke-glide Cycles in Wing-propelled Swimming by Birds1
Modelling, Imaging and Measurement of Distortion, Drag and Break-up of Aircraft-icing Droplets
Sticky Thermals: Evidence for a Dominant Balance between Buoyancy and Drag in Cloud Updrafts
Experimental study of the effectiveness of cylindrical plume simulators for predicting jet-on boattail drag at Mach numbers up to 1.30
Experimental and modelling investigation of the deformation, drag and break-up of drizzle droplets subjected to strong aerodynamics ...
Review of Drag Cleanup Tests in Langley Full-Scale Tunnel (From 1935 to 1945) Applicable to Current General Aviation Airplanes
An experimental investigation of wheel spin-up drag loads