- A dragonfly skimmed along the ground.
一只蜻蜓掠过地面。 - Then a dragonfly with wings like paper flew by.
Dragonfly flight. III. Lift and power requirements
Simple rules guide dragonfly migration
Dragonfly flight. I. Gliding flight and steady-state aerodynamic forces
Dragonfly flight. II. Velocities, accelerations and kinematics of flapping flight
Technology-Driven, Highly-Scalable Dragonfly Topology
Technology-Driven, Highly-Scalable Dragonfly Topology
Dragonfly flight: free-flight and tethered flow visualizations reveal a diverse array of unsteady lift-generating mechanisms, contro...
Common strategies for light adaptation in the peripheral visual systems of fly and dragonfly
Effects of body size, sibship, and tail injury on the susceptibility of tadpoles to dragonfly predation
A new interpretation of dragonfly wing venaton based upon Early Upper Carboniferous fossils from Argentina (Insecta:Odonatoidea) and...