- The biggest drainage basin here is the Murry-Daring drainage basin.
最大的流域这里是莫瑞,勇于流域。 - This small drainage area will not be influenced by the Siberian cold current.
drainage area
drainage area
Landscape dissection and drainage area-slope thresholds
Sediment yield-runoff-drainage area relationships in the United States
Cenozoic erosion and sediment yield in the drainage area of the Storfjorden Fan
The role of discharge variation in scaling of drainage area and food chain length in rivers
Precambrian metazoans of the Huai River drainage area (Anhui, E. China): their taphonomic and ecological evidence
Influence of Drainage Connectivity, Drainage Area and Regional Species Richness on Fishes of the Interior Highlands in Arkansas
Stable isotope fingerprint of open-water evaporation losses and effective drainage area fluctuations in a subarctic shield watershed
Application of the repeated aerial photogrammetry to monitoring glacier variation in the drainage area of the Urumqi River