Breakfast at Spiro's: Dramaturgy and Dominance
From Dramaturgy to Theatre as Technology: The Case of Corporate Theatre
Setting the stage - A dramaturgy of policy deliberation
Dramaturgy and Social Movements: The Social Construction and Communication of Power
Dramaturgy and Social Movements: The Social Construction and Communication of Power
The dramaturgy of services exchange: An analytical framework for services marketing
Creating the ‘Right’ Impression: Towards a Dramaturgy of Management Consultancy
The dramaturgy of horizons: geographical scale in the ‘Reconstruction of Italy’ by the new Italian political parties, 1992–1995
CHAPTER NINE. Partisan Dramaturgy and the Breakdown of Publics : Partisan Publics Communication and Contention across Brazilian Yout...
Comparative Perspectives on Social Movements: The framing function of movement tactics: Strategic dramaturgy in the American civil r...