- Even in public, he never minds draping his arms round her neck.
既便是在公众场合,他也不介意搂着她的脖子。 - An ornamental draping of cloth hung from the shoulders of an academic or ecclesiastical robe.
垂布学者或神职人员长袍上从肩头垂下的装饰性披盖布 - Draping the banner from the balcony.
使旗帜成褶皱状从阳台上垂下 - A decorative loop of fabric, cord, or metal for parting and draping a curtain to the side.
Reverse draping of magnetic field lines in the boundary layer
Magnetic field draping against the dayside magnetopause
From early draping to haute couture models: 20 years of research
Draping of Cluster Magnetic Fields over Bullets and Bubbles -- Morphology and Dynamic Effects
A Fast, Flexible, Particle-System Model for Cloth Draping
A Fast, Flexible, Particle-System Model for Cloth Draping
A Particle-Based Model for Simulating the Draping Behavior of Woven Cloth
The average magnetic field draping and consistent plasma properties of the Venus magnetotail
A test of magnetic field draping induced B z perturbations ahead of fast coronal mass ejecta
Field line draping about fast coronal mass ejecta: A source of strong out‐of‐the‐ecliptic interplanetary magnetic fields