- She drew down full pay.
她拿全薪。 - If you go on behaving like that, you'll draw down blame on our heads.
Importance of iron for plankton blooms and carbon dioxide drawdown in the Southern Ocean
Phytoplankton community structure and the drawdown of nutrients and CO2 in the southern ocean
Drawdown in a well of large diameter
Seed germination traits of annuals and emergents recruited during drawdowns in the Delta Marsh, Manitoba, Canada ☆
Seed Banks and Their Role During Drawdown of a North American Marsh
Assessment of Stability of Slopes under Drawdown Conditions
Drawdown Induced Changes in Permeability of Coalbeds: A New Interpretation of the Reservoir Response to Primary Recovery
Long-Term Effects of Water Level Drawdown on the Vegetation of Drained Pine Mires in Southern Finland
Tsunami run-up and draw-down on a plane beach
Extrusion compositions having high drawdown and substantially reduced neck-in