- He drawled a greeting to her.
他慢吞吞地对她说声问候。 - She drawled in that slow, lazy style of hers.
- She speaks with a Southern drawl.
她讲话带着美国南方人慢吞吞的拉长调子的语气。 - He had a bit of a Southern drawl.
"My Dear, Don't Crawl,"Drawled the Posh Dress-Lender When I Thanked Her
A Rhyme for `Pint' and Other Burning Issues of the Day Mr Woodall Suggests That `Pint' Might Rhyme with `Why Not?' as Drawled by Bar...
Run to Daylight; Eye on the Goal Line: Dean Imploded. Edwards Drawled. Clark Prayed. and Kerry Took Another Long Dash toward His Dre...
Little Eve Edgarton - Chapter I
The research of draw contour by the general digital image to making use of the DLT algorithm
The Method of Fast Draw Contour Based on the General Digital Image
Shavings - Chapter 9
Shavings - Chapter 3
Shavings - Chapter 12
Automated software test-data generationbased on polymorphic ant colonies algorithm基于多态蚁群算法的测试用例自动生成