- The engines we will run in China represent a performance gain over the units from Monza, both in terms of power and driveability.
Vehicle driveability evaluation system
Active Control of Driveability
Means for improving automobile driveability
Vehicle Driveability - The Development of an Objective Methodology
Objective Evaluation of Vehicle Driveability
Vibro-driveability -a field study of vibratory driven sheet piles in non-cohesive soils
Predicting Pile Driveability: Heather As An Illustration Of The "Friction Fatigue"Theory
Vehicle Driveability Assessment using Neural Networks for Development, Calibration and Quality Tests
Soil Plug Effect Prediction and Pile Driveability Analysis for Large-Diameter Steel Piles in Ocean Engineering
Starter/alternator control strategy to enhance driveability of a low storage requirement hybrid electric vehicle