Pile hammer operable with either diesel or drop hammer effectPile driving systems and methods employing preloaded drop hammerComparative study of drop-hammer pile-driving processes in Indonesia, Malasia and Thailand /Arief Setiawan Budi NugrohoRisk Study of Drop Hammer Pile for SafetyComparative study of drop-hammer pile-driving processes in Indonesia, Malaysia and ThailandDescription of a steam, skid, tilting, drop-hammer pile driver used on B.F.B. and C. ry. construction, 1907-1908Study on effects of sinking pile with heavy hammer and low drop distance or light hammer with high drop distanceInvestigation into hydraulic automatic pile driver with low type frame and with drop hammerApparatus for maintaining axial alignment between a drop hammer and a driven pileMechanical device for the alternate motions of a drop hammer or pile driver.