Coordination des associations de lesbiennes, gays, bisexuels et transgenres en Wallonie en vue de promouvoir une meilleure acceptati...
A phase field approach in the numerical study of the elastic bending energy for vesicle membranes ☆
Is a higher correlation necessary for a more accurate prediction?
Discovering New Gauge Bosons of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking at LHC-8
Dose Dependence of Radiation Effect in W
Search and Advertising in Price Competition: Experimental Evidence
Molecular monitoring of African swine fever control areas: adult-tick targeted re-evaluation of Mkuze Game Reserve, South Africa
On the transition coordinate for protein folding
Preserving electron spin coherence in solids by optimal dynamical decoupling
Crystal Orientation Dependence of Piezoelectric Properties in Lead Zirconate Titanate: Theoretical Expectation for Thin Films