- Ducat was any of various gold coins formerly used in certain European countries in the past.
The Autism Genetic Resource Exchange: A Resource for the Study of Autism and Related Neuropsychiatric Conditions
Aurora kinases in spindle assembly and chromosome segregation.
ChemInform Abstract: (1S,2S)‐1‐(4‐Hydroxyphenyl)‐2‐(4‐hydroxy‐4‐phenylpiperidino)‐1‐ propanol: A Potent New Neuroprotectan...
CP-101,606, a potent neuroprotectant selective for forebrain neurons.
Skin penetration behaviour of liposomes as a function of their composition
The Mental Health Comorbidities of Diabetes
Preeclampsia-like symptoms induced in mice by fetoplacental expression of STOX1 are reversed by aspirin treatment
Pharmacotherapy in the treatment of addiction: methadone.
Liposome surface charge influence on skin penetration behaviour
Chenard BL, Bordner J, Butler TW, Chambers LK, Collins MA, De Costa DL et al. (1S,2S)-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-(4-hydroxy-4-phenylpiper...