- Youngsters' duds were not in their elder's old and fossil style any more.
青少年的服饰已不如他们的父辈那样古老守旧。 - The revolution of the earth made us four romantic seasons, bringing us chances to enjoy different duds with the changing reasons , which always fulfiled our peacockery.
Layer-by-layer deposition of antimicrobial silver nanoparticles on textile fibers
Pasting properties of a heat-moisture treated canna starch in relation to its structural characteristics
Paste and gel properties of low-substituted acetylated canna starches
Why do we slow down after an error? Mechanisms underlying the effects of posterror slowing
A comparative study of edible canna (Canna edulis) starch from different cultivars. Part I. Chemical composition and physicochemical...
Synthesis of silver chloride nanocrystal on silk fibers
Nano-structure of heat–moisture treated waxy and normal starches
Effect of gelatinisation on slowly digestible starch and resistant starch of heat-moisture treated and chemically modified canna sta...
Characterization of low-substituted hydroxypropylated canna starch
Speeding before and slowing after errors: Is it all just strategy?