Gayite, a new dufrenite-group mineral from the Gigante granitic pegmatite, Cordoba province, Argentina
Dufrenite in Iron-Formation on the Kangnas Farm, Aggeneys District, Bushmanland, South Africa
La natrodufrenite (Na,box )(Fe+++,Fe++)(Fe+++,Al)5- (PO4)4(OH)6.2H2O, une nouvelle espece minerale du groupe de la dufrenite
Assessment of the molecular structure of natrodufrenite - NaFe2+Fe53+ (PO4)(4)(OH)(6) center dot 2(H2O), a secondary pegmatite phosp...
Dufrenite in Iron-Formation on the Kangnas Farm, Aggeneys District, Bushmanland, South Africa: A Comment
On dufrenite from Rockbridge County, Virginia
On Dufrenite from Cornwall
On the torbanite or Kerosene Shale of New South Wales