Aerosol characteristics at a high-altitude location in central Himalayas: Optical properties and radiative forcing
Familism Values as a Protective Factor for Mexican-origin Adolescents Exposed to Deviant Peers
Characteristics of aerosol black carbon mass concentration over a high altitude location in the Central Himalayas from multi-year me...
Spatial distribution of aerosol black carbon over India during pre-monsoon season.
Characteristics of aerosol spectral optical depths over Manora Peak: A high‐altitude station in the central Himalayas
New palaeoceanographic contraints on the Eocene-Oligocene Transition in the Pacific
Influences of the springtime northern Indian biomass burning over the central Himalayas
South Asian dust episode in June 2006: Aerosol observations in the central Himalayas
Mothers' Parenting Behavior and Child Mental Health in Families with a Problem Drinking Parent
JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. ???, XXXX, DOI:10.1029/, Characteristics of Aerosol Spectral Optical Depths over Manora Peak ...