A PERFECT FACE.. FOR RADIO; JOCK GIANTS: Kings of the Airwaves Are Hot Property
IQ Tests for Politicians?
'1989–2009: ‘In Poland everything is possible, even changes for the better’' in Humanities Research Vol XVI. No. 3. 2010. The Sol...
90-Year-Old's New Book Just Latest Chapter in Renaissance Life
Physician-level P4P--DOA? Can quality-based payment be resuscitated?
A chipset level network backdoor: bypassing host-based firewall & IDS
A Parametrization of the Minimal Square Spectral Factors of a Nonrational Spectral Density
Using and programming the SUPERCODE
MORSE-DD:A Monte Carlo Code Using Multi-group Double Differential Form Cross Sections
The structural roles of conserved Pro196, Pro197 and His199 in the mechanism of thymidylate synthase.