- Dunhuang is famous for its mural art.
敦煌以它的壁画艺术而闻名。 - They prepared a big exhibition of Dunhuang Art.
Screening for the isolates of Trichoderma viride against Alternaria alternata and its biocontrol mechanism
Screen for antagonistic rhizobacteria of Phytophthora nicotianae on tobacco
Application of antagonistic microorganism AM6 strain's antifungal substance in field
The difference in the aroma of flue-cured tobacco between Yunnan and Zimbabwe
Testing of Seed-Borne Fungi in Tobacco Seeds From Yunnan province
Field Application of Antagonistic Bacteria GP13 to Control Tobacco Black Shank
Screening of antagonisti microorganism against tobacco brown spot disease and its inhibitory action on the pathogen
Isolation of and screening for biocontrolling rhizobacteria against tobacco damping off
Genomes and virulence difference between two physiological races of Phytophthora nicotianae
Study on the degradation of soluable dye wastewater by the synergic effect of photo-electro-catalysis in a unitary liquid phase