顿琳 Selective properties of the cutaway trawl and several other commercial trawls used in the Farne Deeps North Sea Nephrops fishery
The fishing capacity of gillnets lost on wrecks and on open ground in UK coastal waters
Preparation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline CeO2−Tb2O3 Films Obtained by Electrochemical Deposition Method
Carbon nanotube bumps for the flip chip packaging system
The potential for new Nephrops trawl designs to positively effect North Sea stocks of cod, haddock and whiting
Recent work to improve the efficacy of square-mesh panels used in a North Sea Nephrops norvegicus directed fishery
Impact of the CNT growth process on gold metallization dedicated to RF interconnect applications
Flip Chip Based on Carbon Nanotube–Carbon Nanotube Interconnected Bumps for High-Frequency Applications
Immune response of AA broilers to IBV H120 vaccine and sodium new houttuyfonate