Continuous flow reaction monitoring using an on-line miniature mass spectrometer
The Number of Real Zeros of a Random Trigonometric Polynomial
The number of real zeros of a class of random algebraic polynomials (ii)
Dunnage-Gander relationships and Ordovician orogeny in central Newfoundland: a sediment provenance and U/Pb age study
Parallel geological development in the Dunnage Zone of Newfoundland and the Lower Palaeozoic terranes of southern Scotland: an asses...
Geological development of eastern Humber and western Dunnage zones: Co...
Acadian metamorphism in the Dunnage zone of southern Quebec, northern Appalachians: 40Ar/39Ar evidence for collision diachronism
The Saint-Daniel Melange: Evolution of an accretionary complex in the Dunnage Terrane of the Quebec Appalachians
Geochronology of the Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland: Implications for the Tectonic Evolution of the Humber and Dunnage Zones of ...