Design and characteristics of a small U‐slotted planar antenna for IR‐UWB
Biochemical and functional characterization of ORF138, a mitochondrial protein responsible for Ogura cytoplasmic male sterility in B...
Discovery and refinement of a new structural class of potent peptide deformylase inhibitors.
[Quantitative approach to the interactions of D-beta-hydroxybuturate dehydrogenase with phospholipids].
A protein phosphatase 2A complex spatially controls plant cell division
Nuclear expression of a cytoplasmic male sterility gene modifies mitochondrial morphology in yeast and plant cells
UWB Antennas: Systems With Transfer Function and Impulse Response
Fatty acid composition of lipid in Longissimus dorsi muscle of Duroc and British Landrace pigs and its relationship with eating qual...
Genetic analyses of growth, real-time ultrasound, carcass, and pork quality traits in Duroc and Landrace pigs: I. Breed effects.
A genome scan reveals QTL for growth, fatness, leanness and meat quality in a Duroc-Pietrain resource population.