MEK Inhibitors Can Induce Skin Eruptions With Distinctive Duskiness
Monitoring Premature Infants in Car Seats: Implementing the American Academy of Pediatrics Policy in a Community Hospital
Penile dermal flap for defect reconstruction in Peyronie's disease: operative technique and four years' experience in 17 patients.
Herbal formulation useful for treatment of skin disorders
Case report of Haddad syndrome in a newborn: congenital central hypoventilation syndrome and Hirschsprung's disease
Stenotic semilunar valve in persistent truncus arteriosus.
Case report: successful use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for a complete scalp degloving injury
Melanocytic Naevi and Malignant Melanoma
MEK Inhibitor-Induced Dusky Erythema: Characteristic Drug Hypersensitivity Manifestation in 3 Patients
Use of Clinical Exome Sequencing in Isolated Congenital Heart Disease.