用作名词 (n.)
动词+~- collect dust积累灰尘
- drive the dust消除灰尘
- gather dust积累灰尘
- kick up a dust扬起灰尘
- make a dust扬起灰尘
- raise dust扬起尘埃,引起骚动
- remove dust除去灰尘
- sweep up dust扫除灰尘
- bite the dust战死,负伤,失败
- eat dust含垢忍辱
- kiss the dust被制服,被杀死,卑躬屈膝
- lie in the dust成为废墟,战死
- make the dust fly干得卖力,动得迅速
- throw dust in sb's eyes蒙蔽某人,迷惑某人
形容词+~- fine dust细末
- thick dust厚厚的尘土
名词+~介词+~- from dust to dust从生到死,人生一世
- a cloud of dust一片尘雾
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- dust a cap掸一掸帽子
- dust a room打扫房间
~+副词- dust animatedly用力地掸
- dust carefully小心翼翼地掸
- dust furiously生气地掸
- dust industriously勤掸
- dust lightly轻轻地掸
- dust listlessly无力地掸
- dust vigorously有力地掸
~+介词- dust the snow from one's overcoat掸掉大衣上的雪花
- dust fertilizer on plants给植物施粉末状肥料
- dust sugar over a cake在糕饼上撒糖
- dust the plants with insecticide在作物上撒上杀虫药
- dust a cake with sugar在糕饼上撒糖
in the dust死了;入土
dust removal除尘,除尘设备
dust collector吸尘器;集尘器
coal dust煤尘;煤粉
dust collection收尘;集尘;吸尘
dust control防尘;尘埃控制;飞尘捕集
dust concentration粉尘浓度;尘末浓度
dust catcher除尘器
dust storm尘暴
dust remover除尘器;扑灰机
dust explosion尘爆;尘末爆炸
dust off抹去灰尘
dust emission粉尘排放,烟尘排放;[机]扬尘量
fine dust细粉尘
flue dust n. 烟灰;烟道灰;炉顶灰
dust filter滤尘器;尘土过滤器
dust content尘含量;含尘率
dust particle尘粒;微尘
dust and ashes尘土和炉灰;令人失望的事物
dust bowl风沙侵蚀区
clay, mud, dust, ground, land, earth, dirt, soil
scrub, clear, clean, dust, wipe, mop, sweep
- The mirror is covered with a film of dust.
镜子蒙上了一层灰尘。 - A thick layer of dust lay on the furniture.
家具上覆盖着一层厚厚的灰尘。 - The truck left clouds of dust in its wake.
车后扬起了一阵尘土。 - She knocks the dust out of her coat.
她打掉外套上的尘土。 - The amount of the industrial dust is rather large.
- I used a piece of rag to dust the wooden furniture.
我用一块抹布擦拭木制家具上的灰尘。 - Mum dusted the pan with flour.
- It's dusty so we have to dust every day.
The sixth report of the Joint National Committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure.
Exposure to house-dust mite allergen (Der p I) and the development of asthma in childhood. A prospective study.
Sequence analysis of cDNA coding for a major house dust mite allergen, Der p 1. Homology with cysteine proteases
Mite faeces are a major source of house dust allergens
The relative risks of sensitivity to grass pollen, house dust mite and cat dander in the development of childhood asthma
Early exposure to house-dust mite and cat allergens and development of childhood asthma: a cohort study. Multicentre Allergy Study G...
Relation between house-dust endotoxin exposure, type 1 T-cell development, and allergen sensitisation in infants at high risk of ast...
House dust mite allergen induces asthma via Toll-like receptor 4 triggering of airway structural cells
High Altitude And House-Dust Mites
House dust mite allergens. A major risk factor for childhood asthma in Australia.