The water balance of the Stour catchment area
The sediment regime of the Stour and Orwell estuaries
Some aspects of the development of the Lower Stour, Kent
The heritage of John Winthrop: Religion along the Stour Valley, 1548-1630
Vegetation change on Papa Stour, Shetland, Scotland: a response to coastal evolution and human interference?
High frequency of antibiotic-resistant cnterobacteria in the River Stour, Kent.
Swap and fill algorithms in null model analysis: rethinking the knight'stour
Small estuary, big port – progress in the management of the Stour-Orwell Estuary system
Anthropogenic heavy metal inputs to lowland river systems, a case study. The River Stour, U.K
Spatial and seasonal variation in heavy metals in the sediments and biota of two adjacent estuaries, the Orwell and the Stour, in ea...