DynapolisDynapolisThe Formation of the Dynapolis on the Construction of the Tohoku-ShinkansenDynapolis and the Cultural Aftershocks: The Development in making of Islamabad and the Reality todayDoxiadis and the ideal dynapolis: The limitations of planned axial urban growthIslamabad 's Dynapolis and Cultural Aftershocks: Plan and Reality in the Making of a MetropolisIslamabad 's Dynapolis and Cultural Aftershocks: Plan and Reality in the Making of a MetropolisThe Application of Dynapolis theory: Historical Development of Islamabad and the Reality todayThe Application of Dynapolis theory: Historical Development of Islamabad and the Reality today서울시 도시공간구조의 동적성장체계에 관한 연구(1987~2002년)-독시아디스의 ‘동적도시(Dynapolis)’개념을 중심으로-