- Mechanoenzymes such as myosin, dynein, and kinesin interact with the cytoskeletal filaments and tubules to generate forces that cause movements.
机械酶,例如,肌球蛋白,动力蛋白,驱动蛋白与微丝,微管相互作用产生动力而引起细胞运动。 - While the research offers no immediate application to human disease, the authors noted that mutations of dynein have been implicated in some neurodegenerative and kidney disorders.
Kinesin and dynein superfamily proteins and the mechanism of organelle transport.
Differential regulation of dynein and kinesin motor proteins by tau
Kinesin and dynein move a peroxisome in vivo: a tug-of-war or coordinated movement?
Mutations in Dynein Link Motor Neuron Degeneration to Defects in Retrograde Transport
A complex of NuMA and cytoplasmic dynein is essential for mitotic spindle assembly.
Dynactin increases the processivity of the cytoplasmic dynein motor
Disruption of dynein/dynactin inhibits axonal transport in motor neurons causing late-onset progressive degeneration.
The Proapoptotic Activity of the Bcl-2 Family Member Bim Is Regulated by Interaction with the Dynein Motor Complex
Overexpression of the Dynamitin (p50) Subunit of the Dynactin Complex Disrupts Dynein-dependent Maintenance of Membrane Organelle ...
Rhodopsin's carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic tail acts as a membrane receptor for cytoplasmic dynein by binding to the dynein light chai...