- It can cause dysphoria, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, and may abruptly develop into latent schizophrenia.
大麻可致烦躁不安,心跳加速,体味低血压,并可能突然发展为潜伏性的神经分裂症。 - But when I realize it always results in your dysphoria when I tried to talk to you, I fell in agony of the fact.
Epidemiology of dysphoria in an elderly populationNeural correlates of self-induced dysphoriaEpidemiology of dysphoria and depression in an elderly population.Looking at facial expressions: Dysphoria and facial EMGFluoxetine in the Treatment of Premenstrual DysphoriaGender dysphoria and gender change in chromosomal females with congenital adrenal hyperplasia.Mood-Congruent Attentional Bias in Dysphoria: Maintained Attention to and Impaired Disengagement From Negative Information.Attentional biases for negative information in induced and naturally occurring dysphoria.Fluoxetine in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoria. Canadian Fluoxetine/Premenstrual Dysphoria Collaborative Study Group.Ruminative response style and vulnerability to episodes of dysphoria: Gender, neuroticism, and episode duration.