- Bipolar disorder, also called manic-depressive illness, is not as common as major depression or dysthymia.
双相情感障碍,也叫做躁郁症,并不像重度抑郁症或心境恶劣一样普遍。 - People with dysthymia may also experience one or more episodes of major depression during their lifetimes.
Is dysthymia a different disorder in the elderly?
The undertreatment of dysthymia
Dysthymia in community and clinical samples of older adults.
Treatment of Dysthymia and Minor Depression in Primary Care: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Older Adults
Proposed endophenotypes of dysthymia: evolutionary, clinical and pharmacogenomic considerations
Treatment of dysthymia and minor depression in primary care: a randomized trial in patients aged 18 to 59 years
Comorbidity of unipolar depression: I. Major depression with dysthymia.
Major depression and dysthymia in children and adolescents: discriminant validity and differential consequences in a community sample.
Syndrome comorbidity in patients with major depression or dysthymia: prevalence and temporal relationships.
A placebo-controlled, randomized clinical trial comparing sertraline and imipramine for the treatment of dysthymia.