wage earner n. 靠工资为生的人;雇佣劳动者
salary earner雇佣工人;受薪人士
- In our family both my husband and I are wage earners.
在我们家里,丈夫和我都挣工资。 - The crop is usually the country's top export earner.
Scaling Back: Dual-Earner Couples' Work-Family StrategiesShift Work and Child Care among Young Dual-Earner American ParentsEmployment Schedules Among Dual-Earner Spouses and the Division of Household Labor by GenderThe Gender Division of Labor in Two-Earner Marriages: Dimensions of Variability and Change.Work–family conflict in dual-earner couples: Within-individual and crossover effects of work and family.Spillover and Crossover of Exhaustion and Life Satisfaction among Dual-Earner Parents.Multiple Determinants of Father Involvement during Infancy in Dual-Earner and Single-Earner FamiliesGender and the relationship between job experiences and psychological distress: A study of dual-earner couples.Change in job and marital experiences and change in psychological distress: a longitudinal study of dual-earner couplesThe longitudinal effects of work-family conflict and positive spillover on depressive symptoms among dual-earner couples.