EarthriseEarthrise'EARTHRISE'Earthrise: The Franciscan StoryEarthrise; or, The Globalization of the World PictureEarthrise: How Man First Saw the Earth by Robert PooleData and methods for recreating EarthriseData and methods for recreating EarthriseMass culture of Spirulina outdoors--the earthrise farms experienceThe Age of the World Motion Picture: Cosmic Visions in the Post- Earthrise EraCenter-Staging Language and Identity Research from Earthrise Positions. Contextualizing Performances in Open SpacesCenter(staging) language from earthrise perspectives: Chasing the elusive monolingual, monocultural hegemonic human state in the glo...Center-staging language and identity research from earthrise perspectives. Chasing the elusive monolingual, monocultural hegemonic h...