How to expose an eavesdropper
Cooperative Secrecy: The Relay-Eavesdropper Channel
Upper bounds of eavesdropper's performances in finite-length code with the decoy method
Location Privacy in Sensor Networks Against a Global Eavesdropper
Full-field implementation of a perfect eavesdropper on a quantum cryptography system
Secrecy Capacity of a Class of Broadcast Channels with an Eavesdropper
Protecting Location Privacy in Sensor Networks against a Global Eavesdropper
Protecting Location Privacy in Sensor Networks against a Global Eavesdropper
Physical Layer Security Game: Interaction between Source, Eavesdropper, and Friendly Jammer
Joint Cooperative Beamforming and Jamming to Secure AF Relay Systems With Individual Power Constraint and No Eavesdropper's CSI