effluent treatment废水处理
industrial effluent工业废液;工业流出物
effluent standard排放标准;排污标准
effluent disposal废水处理
plant effluent工厂废水
effluent gas废气;烟道气,排出的气体
- Dangerous effluent is being poured into our rivers.
有害的废水正流入我们的江河里。 - The chemical companies are poisoning our rivers with effluent.
这些化学公司排出废水污染著我们的河流。 - Eventually, treated effluent will be discharged through an oceanic outfall.
- You should wash the car park with effluent water.
你应该用排出来的水洗停车场。 - Effluent standards have superseded stream standards.
Effluent charges and licenses under uncertainty ☆
Effluent from drug manufactures contains extremely high levels of pharmaceuticals.
The treatment of pulp and paper mill effluent: a review.
Identification of Estrogenic Chemicals in STW Effluent. 2. In Vivo Responses in Trout and Roach
Removal of dyes from a synthetic textile dye effluent by biosorption on apple pomace and wheat straw
Remediation of dyes in textile effluent: a critical review on current treatment technologies with a proposed alternative
Advanced oxidation of a reactive dyebath effluent: comparison of O 3 , H 2 O 2 /UV-C and TiO 2 /UV-A processes
Identification of Estrogenic Chemicals in STW Effluent. 1. Chemical Fractionation and in Vitro Biological Screening
On‐Site Exposure to Treated Wastewater Effluent Has Subtle Effects on Male Fathead Minnows and Pronounced Effects on Carp
Effect of carbon surface chemistry on the removal of reactive dyes from textile effluent