Data Base for EHV Transmission Reliability EvaluationUltra High Speed Relay for EHV/UHV Transmission Lines -- Development, Design and ApplicationEquine herpesviruses 1 (EHV-1) and 4 (EHV-4)--epidemiology, disease and immunoprophylaxis: a brief reviewImproved techniques for modelling fault arcs an faulted EHV transmission systemsAnalytical Development of Loadability Characteristics for EHV and UHV Transmission LinesNon-unit protection technique for EHV transmission systems based on fault-generated noise. Part 2: signal processingNeural-network based adaptive single-pole autoreclosure technique for EHV transmission systemsApplying a Risk Management Process (RMP) to manage cost risk for an EHV transmission line projectNonunit protection technique for EHV transmission systems based on fault-generated noise. Part 3: Engineering and HV laboratory test...Study on the lightning protection performance of shielding failure for UHV&EHV transmission lines