用作动词 (v.)
~+名词- elaborate a code精心编辑法典
- elaborate literary works精心编辑文学作品
- elaborate a plan制订计划
~+副词- elaborate eloquently滔滔不绝地阐述
- elaborate successfully成功地拟定
~+介词- elaborate on对…详加说明
- elaborate on a theory详细阐述某一理论
- elaborate upon the use of words详细阐述词的用法
- He launched into an elaborate explanation of his theory.
他开始详尽地阐发他的理论。 - Her elaborate hairstyle, to her disappointment, just amused us.
令她失望的是,她复杂的发型只让我们感到好笑。 - It was not the old man to indulge in elaborate preliminaries.
这位老人向来不做那种煞费苦心的开场白。 - She had prepared herself for a very elaborate show.
- She went on to elaborate her argument.
她进而详尽阐述了她的论点。 - Please elaborate your plan before Friday.
请在星期五之前做出详细的计划。 - This theory needs further elaborating.
该理论有待进一步推敲。 - I don't want this simple idea to elaborate as a result of discussions.
Elaborate interactions between the immune and nervous systems
Rab proteins as membrane organizers.
Knowledge, Motivation, and Adaptive Behavior: A Framework for Improving Selling Effectiveness
Historical problem solving: A study of the cognitive processes used in the evaluation of documentary and pictorial evidence.
The use of lead citrate at high pH as an electron-...
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A closed-form equation for predicting the hydraulic conductivity of unsaturated soils.
Qualitative research and evaluation methods (third edition)
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