background elaborateness背景铺陈
Faulkner'sliterarytextsare well-known fortheirluxurianceandelaborateness, which, however,is themain rather than the whole picture.
Ithink that we shall restrictthe discretion through the elaboratenessto reasonofsentencing,theestablishmenttokeynoteofsentencingandlegalcase.
Her response was to nodpolitely at the perilous elaboratenessofitall;tonod inthe knowledge that shewouldnever be able to get whereshewantedtogo.
C312 A Study on Elaborateness Strategies in Students' Composition
Hand's Elaborateness and Influence of a Visual Key of Intellectual and Developmental Disorder Children
Exploring the applicability of elaborateness and indirectness in dialogue management
Numerical Taxonomy and Comparative Elaborateness, with a Speculation on Unused Genes
Harmony, Elaborateness, and Naturalness: An Aanalysis of The Influence of Graphic Design Elements and Color In Logos.
The evolution of language and elaborateness of grammar: the case of relative clauses in creole languages
B1415 Science class that actually feels elaborateness of mechanism of living thing : The case study on the mechanism and function of...
How implementation intentions affect prospective memory performance: the effect of preprocessing, elaborateness and ego-involvement
State Financial Control of Public Universities and its Relationship to Campus Administrative Elaborateness and Cost: Results of a Na...
건축물에 적용 가능한 정교한 문양거푸집 개발을 위한 기초적 연구 ( The Fundamental Study for Developing Design Form of Elaborateness S...