- Mr Tsang is now having to put on a show of electioneering.
如今,曾荫权不得不添上竞选活动的表演秀。 - No electioneering activities of the Candidate are allowed other than those activities detailed in this permission.
Electioneering :
E-electioneering 2010: Trends in social media use in Australian political communication
Modern Constituency Electioneering: Local Campaigning in the 1992 General Election
Elections and Electioneering in Rome: A Study in the Political System of the Late Republic
Welsh Electioneering and the Purpose of Parliament: ‘From Radicalism to Nationalism’ Reconsidered *
State Campaign Finance Laws and Interest Group Electioneering Activities
Electoral Mechanisms and Electioneering Incentives: Vote-Getting Strategies of Japanese, French, British, German and Austrian Conser...
Candidates, consultants, and campaigns : the style and substance of American electioneering /
Electoral institutions and campaigning in comparative perspective: Electioneering in European Parliament elections
Marketing political soap: a political marketing view of selling candidates like soap, of electioneering as a ritual, and of electora...