president elect当选总统(尚未就职的)
- Elected officials depend on publicity for survival.
当选的官员们依靠宣传而生存。 - This first full legislature will have 60 elected members–20 of whom will be directly elected.
INAUGURAL ARTICLE by a Recently Elected Academy Member:A default mode of brain function
New RCVS junior vice-president elected
Cambridge Analytica's parent company claimed it invented the tough guy image that got Rodrigo Duterte elected
Cross‐resistance of Cry1Ab﹕elected Asian corn borer to other Cry toxins
On the evolution of clustering of 24│蘭﹕elected galaxies
The hard X‐ray spectrum of soft X‐ray﹕elected AGN
On the Road with AAC&U, October 2015
Maximum Likelihood from Incomplete Data via the EM Algorithm
Journal of the American Statistical Association
Sample Selection Bias as a Specification Error