- He was sentenced to death by electrocution.
Electrocution hazards in the operating theatre
Raptor Electrocution on Power Lines: Current Issues and Outlook
Mitigation of Raptor Electrocution on Steel Power Poles
Electrocution Alters the Distribution and Density of a Top Predator, the Eagle Owl Bubo bubo
Avian electrocution mortality in relation to pole design and adjacent habitat in Spain
Electrocution-related mortality: a review of 123 deaths in Diyarbakir, Turkey between 1996 and 2002
The state of the art in raptor electrocution research: A global review
Electrocution of Raptors on Power Lines in Southwestern Spain (Electrocución de Rapaces en Tendidos eléctricos del Suroest...
Bird interactions with utility structures: collision and electrocution, causes and mitigating measures
Cardiac abnormalities demonstrated postmortem in four cases of accidental electrocution and their potential significance relative to...