Heating to embrittle binder, crushing, separation
Embrittle merit of cadmium by indium in mercury at room temperature
Assessmene on Embrittle Cracking in Petrochemical Equipment
Cururization to embrittle steel layers, crushing, screening
Do substitutional solutes soften or embrittle cracktips in α -Fe?
Research on Embrittle Failure of Platinum∶10% Rhodiun-Platinum Thermocouple in Reduction Atmosphere
Heating glass fibers at a temperature below the softening point of the glass for a period of time to densify and embrittle the glass...
First principles assessment of ideal fracture energies of materials with mobile impurities: implications for hydrogen embrittlement ...
Development of a Modified A286 Alloy With Improved Strength at Elevated Temperature and an Evaluation of Its Hydrogen Embrittlement ...
A review of the effects of sulphate reducing bacteria in the marine environment on the corrosion fatigue and hydrogen embrittlement ...