Validation of the Names Emporiaceae, Emporia, and Emporia lockardiiTHE LOCATIONAL ANALYSIS OF GUANGZHOU'S LARGE RETAIL EMPORIASpatial Variability of Hydraulic Properties in the Emporia SeriesReconstructing Emporia lockardii (Voltziales: Emporiaceae) and initial thoughts on Paleozoic conifer ecology.A new Voltzialean conifer Emporia royalii sp. nov. (Emporiaceae) from the Hamilton Quarry, Kansas.Trade and Civilisation in the Indian Ocean: Emporia trade and the great port-towns in the Indian OceanEmporia : Aegeans in the Central and Eastern Mediterranean : Proceedings of the 10th International Aegean Conference / edited by Rob...Reconstruction of the Pennsylvanian-age walchian conifer Emporia cryptica sp. nov. (Emporiaceae: Voltziales).Negotiating Identity in the Ancient Mediterranean. The Archaic and Classical Greek Multiethnic EmporiaInscriptions grecques dialectales de Grande Grèce I. Colonies eubéennes. Colonies ioniennes. Emporia by L. Dubois; Inscriptions g...