- Individually the children are delightful; en masse they can be unbearable.
孩子们单独时还讨人喜欢,一多了就受不了了。 - The Joneses are coming for lunch en masse all twelve of them!
琼斯一大家子人都来吃午饭--一共十二口人! - The audience cheered en masse the moment they saw the famous singer appear on the stage.
Printing Small Molecules as Microarrays and Detecting Protein−Ligand Interactions en Masse
Treatment effects of mini-implants for en-masse retraction of anterior teeth in bialveolar dental protrusion patients: a randomized ...
Self-ligating vs conventional twin brackets during en-masse space closure with sliding mechanics
Mini-implant anchorage for en-masse retraction of maxillary anterior teeth: A clinical cephalometric study
SCA8 CTG repeat: en masse contractions in sperm and intergenerational sequence changes may play a role in reduced penetrance
Effective en-masse retraction design with orthodontic mini-implant anchorage: a finite element analysis.
Project failure en masse : a study of loose budgetary control in ISD projects
Knee dislocation with lateral side injury: results of an en masse surgical repair technique of the lateral side.
Severe bidentoalveolar protrusion treated with orthodontic microimplant-dependent en-masse retraction
Applicability of a two-parameter failure criterion to wheat en masse