- Salt from the sea had encrusted on the dry sand.
海水中的盐分在乾燥的沙子上结成硬皮。 - Green weed and grey barnacles encrust every part under the sea.
Microbialites and micro-encrusters in shallow coral bioherms (Middle to Late Oxfordian, Swiss Jura mountains)
Encrusters, Epibionts, and Other Biota Associated with Pelagic Plastics: A Review of Biogeographical, Environmental, and Conservatio...
Observations on the development of the crystalline bacterial biofilms that encrust and block Foley catheters
A study of the structure of the crystalline bacterial biofilms that can encrust and block silver Foley catheters
Late Cambrian hard substrate communities from Montana/Wyoming: the oldest known hardground encrusters
Late Cambrian hard substrate communities from Montana/Wyoming: the oldest known hardground encrusters
Microtaphonomy of bioclasts and paleoecology of microencrusters from Upper Jurassic spongiolithic limestones (External Prebetic, Sou...
Composition and spatial distribution of microencrusters and microbial crusts in upper Jurassic–lowermost Cretaceous reef limestone ...
Comparative study on the application of the 1st and the 3rd harmonic of a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser system to clean black encrustation...
Competitive interactions between related clades: evolutionary implications of overgrowth interactions between encrustin cyclostome a...