- The schools were fighting endlessly to combat truancy.
学校在不断地与逃学作斗争。 - In Buddhism we are endlessly hearing about letting go and about not clinging to anything.What does this mean?
The Endlessly Curious Louis meisel
Endlessly single-mode heat-sink waveguide
Endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fiber
Endlessly single-mode holey fibers: the influence of core design.
Improved large-mode-area endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fibers
Analysis and design of an endlessly single-mode finned dielectric waveguide
Fiber-optic Fabry-Perot refractive-index tip sensor based on endlessly photonic crystal fiber
In-line fiber Fabry-Perot refractive-index tip sensor based on endlessly photonic crystal fiber
Supercontinuum and four-wave mixing with Q-switched pulses in endlessly single-mode photonic crystal fibres
Efficient high power generation of pulsed red light via four-wave-mixing in a large-mode-area, endlessly single-mode photonic-crysta...