- Love,in all its endlessness,unboundedness and failed definitions is this experience.
EndlessnessEndlessnessDigimodern Textual EndlessnessBECKETT'S ENDLESSNESS: Rewriting Modernity and the Postmodern SublimeArt, Work, Endlessness: Flarf and Conceptual Poetry among the TrollsAmbient role playing games: towards a grammar of endlessnessQuestion and Apocalypse: The Endlessness of "Historia"in Graham Swift's "Waterland"The Infinite Challenge: Levels of Conceiving the Endlessness of NumbersThe Endlessness Evolution of Medicine, Continuous Increase in Life expectancy and Constant Role of the Physician ☆Bruce Nauman and the Time on One’s Hands: Control, Anxiety and the Desire for Endlessness in Early Video Art