- In Britain women were enfranchised in 1918.
1918年英国妇女获得议会选举权。 - The slaves were enfranchised.
Who is enfranchised by remote voting?
Enfranchised Selves: Women, Culture and Rights in Nineteenth‐Century Bengal
Apollodoros' Mother: The Wives of Enfranchised Aliens in Athens
Memorial video tribute and the enfranchised grief of a gay widower
Age and Turnout Among the Newly Enfranchised: Life Cycle versus Experience Effects
The Tyranny of the Enfranchised Majority? The Accountability of States to their Non-Citizen Population
Social, Economic, and Environmental Limits for the Newly Enfranchised in South Africa.
Newly enfranchised voters: political attitudes of under 18-year olds in the context of the referendum on Scotland's constitutional f...
(Dis)Enfranchised Intersectionalities: Undocumented Migrant Women and Lesbian Relationships in Angelina Maccarone's Unveiled and Sha...
The Political Incorporation of the Newly Enfranchised Voter: Organizational Encapsulation and Socialist Labor Party Development