On the Enigmatical larva nauplius y type I HansenThe Enigmatical Trematode “ Dictyocotyle coeliaca ”On some enigmatical names in Conchology and PycnogonologyThe Enigmatical Trematode |[ldquo]|Dictyocotyle coeliaca|[rdquo]|Further notes upon the enigmatical Bufo nasicus WernerXLI.âOn some enigmatical names in Conchology and PycnogonologyStrange Rhetoric, Enigmatical Grammar, Poetic Logic: Wallace Stevens’s The Auroras of AutumnTHE MAZUELLOIDS FROM THE SILURIAN OF VENDEE (FRANCE), A GROUP STILL ENIGMATICALHistory and Diplomacy: Alexander of Alexandria, an enigmatical figure of the Arian controversy before Nicaea (New comments an reflec...A pictorial peregrination through the shapely and harmonious, often enigmatical, sometimes shocking realms of Polynesian art