- He enrolled our names.
他把我们的名字登记下来了。 - He enrolled with an employment agency for a secretary.
他在职业介绍所登记要当秘书。 - This school plan to enroll 100 students every year.
该校每年只招收100名学生。 - His son was enrolled for military service a couple of years ago.
Endovascular stroke trials: why we must enroll all eligible patients.
Comments in response to "Analysis of risk of bleeding complications after different doses of aspirin in 192,036 patients enrolled in...
The recruitment triangle: reasons why African Americans enroll, refuse to enroll, or voluntarily withdraw from a clinical trial. An ...
Latinos in Higher Education: Many Enroll, Too Few Graduate.
Characteristics of students who enroll and succeed in psychology Web-based classes.
Managed care outlook. Employees increasingly inclined to enroll for benefits via Internet
Primary care physician compensation method in medical groups: does it influence the use and cost of health services for enrollees in...
Prognostic value of the Glasgow Coma Scale and pupil reactivity in traumatic brain injury assessed pre-hospital and on enrollment: a...
Charter Schools in New York City: Who Enrolls and How They Affect Their Students' Achievement. NBER Working Paper No. 14852.
Key management protocol and authentication system for secure internet protocol rights management architecture